
式离心机, 也被称为固体碗离心机或水平碗离心机, are a type of mechanical dewatering equipment designed to continuously 把固体从液体中分离出来 using centrifugal force at high G’s.



Slurries may be separated into solid and liquid phases by a process known as sedimentation, where gravity forces cause the heavier solid particles to settle out from the less dense liquid. The rate of sedimentation can be greatly increased by 式离心机, which use centrifugal sedimentation to continuously separate slurries quickly and effectively.

浆料进料, 和聚合物一起帮助沉淀, into the inside of a helical screw conveyor that is fitted inside and closely conforming to a bowl that rotates at high speed. A gearbox rotates the conveyor at a slightly lower speed than the bowl. The slurry emerges into the region between the conveyor and the bowl through feed ports cut through the conveyor.

Centrifugal forces cause the solid particles to sediment outward toward the inside surface of the bowl, 而较轻的液体则漂浮在固体蛋糕的内部. The conveyor pushes the sedimented solids toward one end of the bowl, 而液体则自由地流向另一端.

在固体排放端, the bowl and conveyor are conically tapered inward so that the conveyor lifts the solids out of the pool of liquid and ejects them out of the bowl through the radial discharge ports, 同时保留液体. The liquid exits the bowl from ports with adjustable weirs at the other end of the machine.

The solids and liquid ejected from the bowl discharge ports are collected into a stationary casing, 其中包括挡板,以防止混音. Discharge chutes or hoppers are attached under the casing to collect the separated material. The solids are usually collected on a conveyor, and the liquid is piped away.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全卧螺离心机s are available in a range of sizes and capacities to suit a variety of materials in many different applications. They offer high separation of solids and liquids producing a low moisture content solids discharge between that achieved by a Thickener and a Filter Press. The liquid recovered can be recycled back into the process reducing overall demand.

式离心机 from 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 can be used for solids recovery to capture valuable products from a liquid stream or to reduce the volume of material reporting to settling ponds, reducing the size requirements for the ponds or eliminating the need for them altogether. 在这方面, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全卧螺离心机s offer a sustainable solution to pond reduction/elimination and water recovery in areas where water is scarce, 或昂贵, or space for traditional settling lagoons is not available or at a premium. 这也可能有助于环境许可和法规.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全卧螺离心机s are compact, easy to operate and have a small footprint. 它们使用寿命长,维护要求低. 



卧螺离心机用于 把固体从液体中分离出来 in a wide variety of applications, including food processing, oil refining, 废物回收,化学萃取; 矿物加工工程, 总处理 和更多的.

式离心机 are available in a range of sizes and capacities. 正因为如此, the cost of a Decanter 离心机 can vary enormously depending on the type and size of 离心机 needed to fit the application requirements. 职责一旦确定, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 engineers will be able to select a suitable model and provide cost and cost benefit information accordingly. 

式离心机 and Disc 离心机s are both types of mechanical equipment used for liquid/solids separation and dewatering using centrifugal forces. The main difference between the two is that 式离心机 (also known as Horizontal Bowl 离心机s) rotate around a horizontal axis while Disc 离心机s (also known as Vertical Bowl 离心机s) rotate around a vertical axis. The Disc 离心机 generates a much higher G-force than 式离心机.

Other differences between 式离心机 and Disc 离心机s include the footprint, 电力需求, 分离效率和允许进料固体.

式离心机 are ideal for slurries with high solids content and large particle sizes. Disc 离心机s are ideal separating fine particles from a slurry or for separating two different liquids of similar specific gravities.

Belt Filter Presses may be used in similar applications to 式离心机. 相比之下, a 离心机 will produce a drier cake and has a higher capacity with a smaller footprint.

a的其他优点 带式压滤机离心 包括:

  • 完全自动化的 operation, meaning less operator intervention required
  • 更小的体积蛋糕,减少存储面积/运输要求
  • 封闭式操作,更清洁/更少的内务管理
  • Less sensitivity to changing feed characteristics, meaning less adjustment
  • Longer maintenance intervals (belt filters can require frequent replacement)
  • 不需要连续的洗涤水,所以所需的水更少
  • 简单,重型结构

特性 & 好处
  • 操作方便
  • 占用空间小
  • 蛋糕水分低
  • 高固体去除率
  • 使用寿命长
  • 大容量
  • 完全自动化的


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